Spanish Grammar


Spanish Grammar in Tables


Conjugation of Regular Verbs


Mode or

Verb Ending

-ar verbs

-er verbs

-ir verbs

Preterit Indicative






same as -er verbs














same as -er verbs


























Future Indicative


same as -ar verbs




Present Subjunctive

Take Present Indicative for 1st person singular, -o







same as -er verbs







Imperfect Subjunctive

Take Preterit for 3rd person plural, -ron




same as -ar verbs










Future Imperfect Subjunctive

Take Preterit for 3rd person plural, -ron




same as -ar verbs








same as -ar verbs




Participle (Gerund)



same as -er verbs

Past Participle



same as -er verbs



The + sign means that the new verb ending does not replace the infinitiveТs ending but instead is appended to it, to the whole infinitive.


Note on accentuation: only in the present indicative and present subjunctive tenses (and the imperative derived from the subjunctive) the accent may move from one syllable to another (i.e. 1st person plural, 2nd person plural vs all other persons and numbers):

canto, como, recibo, cantas, comes, recibes,

cante, coma, reciba, cantes, comas, recibas


cantamos, comemos, recibimos, cantáis, coméis, recibís

cantemos, comamos, recibamos, cantéis, comáis, recibáis

In all other tenses/modes the accent doesnТt move to other syllables. LetТs show the examples of conjugation in preterit imperfect indicative, preterit indicative, preterit imperfect subjunctive and future imperfect subjunctive:

cantaba, cantábamos, cantasteis, cantaron, cantara, cantáramos, cantare, cantáremos,

comía, comíamos, comisteis, comieron, comiera, comramos, comiere, comremos.




Imperative/Command Mood











Present Indicative for 3rd person singular

Ud.: Present Subjunctive.

Non-Ud.: лQue╗ + Present Subjunctive.


Present Subjunctive or
лVamos a╗ + infinitive

a/e/i+r -> a/e/i+d

a/e/i+rse -> a/e/í+os

same as in singular




Present Subjunctive

same as in positive


Present Subjunctive or
лNo vayamos a╗ + infinitive

Present Subjunctive

same as in positive



Spanish Idioms, Special Phrases, Adverbs and Conjunctions


Special Phrases


al+infinitiveаааа on,upon+present participle? (al entrar en la cocina,comenzó a comer/upon entering the kitchen,he began to eat)


acabar de+infinitiveааа to have just+past participle (María acaba(ba) de llegar/Mary has/had just arrived)


¿Cuánto tiempo hace que+present tense...?ааааа How long has smth/smbdy been doing smth?

(¿Cuánto tiempo hace que Ud. estudia español?/How long have you been studying Spanish?)


¿Desde cuándo+present tense...?ааа How long (since when) has smth/smbdy been doing smth?

(¿Desde cuándo estudia Ud. español?/How long have you been studying Spanish?)


Present tense+desde hace+length of timeа Smth/smbdy has been doing smth for+length of time

(Estudio español desde hace tres años/I have been studying Spanish for three years)


¿Cuánto tiempo hacía que+imperfect tense...?аа How long had smth/smbdy been doing smth?

(¿Cuánto tiempo hacía que Ud. hablaba cuando yo entré en la sala de clase?/How long had you been talking when I entered into the classroom?)


¿Desde cuándo+imperfect tense...?а How long (since when) had smth/smbdy been doing smth?

(¿Desde cuándo hablaba Ud. cuando yo entré en la sala de clase?/How long had you been talking when I entered into the classroom?)


Imperfect tense+desde hacía+length of timeаааа Smth/smbdy had been doing smth for+length of time

((Yo) hablaba desde hacía una hora cuando Ud. entró en la sala de clase/I had been talking for an hour when you entered into the classroom)


estar a punto de+infinitiveа to be about+infinitive (estoy a punto de salir/I am about to leave)

estar para+infinitiveаа to be about to, to be at the point of


acabar por+infinitiveаа to end up by+present participle (mi padre acabó comprarlo/my father finally ended up buying it)


tener que+infinitiveааа to have+infinitive (tengo que estudiar/I have to study)

Hay que+infinitiveааааа It is necessary to+infinitive (Hay que estudiar para aprender/It is necessary to study in order to learn)


hacer el favor de+infinitive please (Haga Ud. el favor de entrar/Please come in)

tener la bondad deааааа please; please be good enough to ... (tenga la bondad de cerrar la puerta/please close the door)

dar por+past participle to consider (lo doy por perdido/I consider it lost)

No+verb+más que+amount of moneyааа (No tengo más que un dolar/I have only one dollar)

tener ganas de+infinitiveааа to feel like+present participle (tengo ganas de comer el helado/I feel like having an ice cream)

tener gusto en+infinitiveааа to be glad+infinitive (tengo mucho gusto en conocerle/I´m very glad to meet you)

lo de+infinitive,adverb,or nounааа that matter of ..., that business of ...




Weather Expressions


¿Qué tiempo hace? What is the weather like?

Hace buen tiempoа The weather is good

Hace calorа It is warm (hot)

Hace fresco hoyаа It is cool today

Hace fríoаа It is cold

Hace mal tiempoаа The weather is bad

Hace solааа It is sunny

Hace viento It is windy

¿Qué tiempo hacía cuando Ud. salió esta mañana?ааааа What was the weather like when you went out in the morning?

Hacía mucho fríoа ayer por la noche It was very cold yesterday evening

Hacía mucho vientoааааа It was very windy

¿Qué tiempo hará mañana?аааа What will the weather be like tomorrow?

Se dice que hará mucho calor They say it will be very hot


Hay/había lodoааа It is/was muddy

Hay lunaааа The moon is shining, there´s moonlight

Había luna ayer por la noche There was moonlight yesterday evening

¿Hay mucha nieve aquí en el invierno?ааа Is there much snow here in winter?

Hay/había (mucha) nebliaаааа It is/was (very) foggy

Hay/había (mucho) polvo It is/was (very) dusty


Está lloviendo ahoraааа It is raining now

Está nevandoааааа It is snowing

Esta mañana llovía cuando tomé el autobusааааа This morning it was raining when I took the bus

Estaba nevando cuando me despertéа It was snowing when I woke up

¿Nieva mucho aquí en el vierno?ааа Does it snow much here in winter?

Las estrellas brillanаа The stars are shining

¿Le gusta a Ud. la lluvia?аа Do you like rain?

¿Le gusta a Ud. la nieve?ааа Do you like snow?




When You Would Use about/around


a eso deааа about, around

a fines deа about/around the end of

a mediados deаааа around the middle of

a principios deаа around the beginning of

al rededor deаааа around


acerca deаа about, concerning


deааа of, from, about (talking about smth)

sobre on, upon, over, above, about (talking about smth)



When You Want to Say Something about Time


Quick(ly), Slow(ly)


lento slow

lentamenteа slowly

rápidoааааа rapid, quick, fast

rápidamente rapidly, quickly, fast


Time Periods


tiempoааааа time

minutoааааа minute

Segundoаааа second

horaа hour

díaаа day

semanaааааа week

quince días two weeks

mesаа month

añoаа year


Now, Current, Up to Date


en este momentoаа at this moment

ahora now

ahora mismo right now

luego luego right away

en seguidaа immediately, at once

por ahoraаа for just now, for the present

hoyаа today


al díaааааа current, up to date

estar al díaааааа to be up to date


hasta ahora until now

hasta aquíа until now, up to here

de aquí en adelanteаааа from now on

de hoy en adelanteааааа from today on, from now on

todavía noа not yet

ya no no longer


Some Time/Day, Often/Rarely, Many/Few Times, Suddenly


algún díaаа someday

un día de estosаа one of these days

alguna vezа sometime

algunas vecesаааа sometimes

a vecesаааа sometimes, at times

unas vecesа sometimes

de cuando en cuandoаааа from time to time

de vez en cuandoа from time to time

de día en díaаааа from day to day


raras veces few times, rarely

una vezаааа once, one time

dos vecesаа twice, two times

varias vecesааааа several times

muchas vecesааааа many times

a menudoааа often, frequently

con frecuenciaааа frequently


de prontoаа suddenly

de repenteа all of a sudden


Again, Day by Day, One by One


una vez más once more, one more time

otra vezааа again, another time, once more

de nuevoааа again

cada vez másааааа more and more (each time)

de día en díaаааа day by day

día por día day by day

poco a poco little by little

uno a unoаа one by one

de uno en unoаааа one by one


By the Hour/Day/Week/Month, per Hour/Day/Week/Month


por horaааа by the hour, per hour

por díaаааа by the day, per day

por semanaа by the week, per week

a la semana a week, per week

al mesааааа a month, per month


Each Time, Every Day/Night/Week/Month/Year, Now, Always/Never, Forever


cada vezааа each/every time

cada vez másааааа more and more (each time)

todos los díasааа every day

todas las nochesа every night

todas las semanas every week

todos los añosааа every year


hoyаа today

hoy díaаааа nowadays

siempreаааа always

para siempreааааа forever

nunca never

jamás never, ever, not ever


Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow, in the Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night / Daybreak(Dawn)/Nightfall(Dusk)


a la madrugadaааа at the early hour, at daybreak

de madrugadaааааа at dawn, at daybreak

al romper el díaа at daybreak

al amanecer at daybreak, at dawn

al anochecerааааа at nightfall, at dusk

por la mañanaаааа in the morning (may be used with specific time)

de la mañanaааааа in the morning (use this when a specific time is mentioned:tomo el desayuno a las ocho de la mañana)

por la mañana tempranoа early in the morning

por la tardeааааа in the afternoon

de la tarde in the afternoon (use this when a specific time is mentioned)

por la nocheааааа in the evening

de la noche in the eveninig (use this when a specific time is mentioned)

por la noche tempranoаа early in the evening

de díaааааа by day, in the daytime

de nocheааа by night, at night, during the night


ayer por la mañanaааааа yesterday morning

ayer por la tarde yesterday afternoon

ayer por la noche yesterday evening

mañana por la mañanaааа tomorrow morning

mañana por la tardeаааа tomorrow afternoon

mañana por la nocheаааа tomorrow night, tomorrow evening


Now, Next Day/Week/Month, Hour/Day/Week/Month/Year/While Ago, a Day/Week from, in a Little While/Few Days


ayerа yesterday

hoyаа today

mañanaааааа tomorrow

al día siguienteа on the following/next day

pasado mañanaаааа the day after tomorrow


hace un año a year ago

Hace un mes que partió el señor Molinaаа Mr. Molina left one month ago

hace pocoаа a little while ago

hace una horaаааа an hour ago

la semana que vieneаааа next week

el año que vieneа next year

de ayer en ocho díasааа a week from yesterday

de hoy en ocho díasаааа a week from today

a pocoааааа in a short while, presently

dentro de pocoааа in a short while, in a little while

en poco díasааааа in a few days


At the Same Time, While, Meanwhile, Before, After, Since, as Soon as


a la vezааа at the same time

al mismo tiempoаа at the same time

duranteаааа during

por el/lo prontoа in the meantime, for the time being

por de prontoаааа for the time being

mientrasааа while

mientras queааааа while, so long as, as long as

entretanto queааа meanwhile, while

mientras tantoааа meanwhile


antes (de) queааа before

poco antesа shortly before

anteа before, in the presence of

antes de nadaаааа before anything

antes de nadieааа before anyone

después (de) queа after

desde after, from, since

con tal (de) queа after

poco despuésааааа shortly after

trasа after, behind

luego queаа as soon as, after

así queаааа as soon as, after

luego queаа as soon as, after

en cuantoаа as soon as

tan pronto comoаа as soon as

lo más pronto posibleаа as soon as possible

cuanto antesааааа as soon as possible


To Hurry, on Time, Sharp/Exactly


darse prisa to hurry

de prisaааа in a hurry

tener prisa to be in a hurry

dar la hora to strike the hour

a tiempoааа on time

en puntoааа sharp, exactly (telling time: son las dos en punto/it´s 2 o´clock sharp)


See You Later/Tomorrow/Soon/Again/Then


hasta despuésаааа see you later, until later

hasta luego see you later, until later, so long

hasta mañanaааааа see you tomorrow, until tomorrow

hasta la vistaааа see you again

hasta prontoааааа see you soon

hasta entoncesааа see you then, see you later, up to that time, until that time


When, Until, Then


cuandoааааа when

hasta queаа until

entoncesааа then




a la largaа in the long run

no bien ... cuandoааааа no sooner ... than

dicho y hechoаааа no sooner said than done

Es hora de ...ааа It is time to ...

Ya pasóаааа It´s all over now

¡Ya voy!ааа I´m coming! I´ll be there in a second!





Or, Either/Or, Neither/Nor


niааа neither, nor (ni ... ni/neither ... nor)

ni sólo ... (sino) tambiénаа not only ... but also

ni siquiera not even

o/uаа or, either (o ... o/either ... or)

o sea ... o seaаа either ... or

y/eаа and


So That, In Order To, So As To, Why?


a fin de queааааа so that, in order that

para queааа in order that, so that

de manera queаааа so that

de modo que so that, in such a way that

de suerte queаааа so that, in such a manner as

paraа for, in order to

porаа by, for

¿por qué?аа why?

¿para qué?а why?


de condición queа so as to


Because, Therefore, Consequently, According To


en/por razón de queаааа for the reason that

porqueааааа because

queаа that, because

tan luego comoааа therefore

por esoаааа for that reason, therefore

por lo tantoааааа consequently, therefore

por consiguienteа consequently


según queаа according as

según according to


In Case That/Of, Unless, On Condition That, Supposing That


por si (acaso/las moscas)ааа just in case, make sure, to be on the safe side

caso queааа in case that

en caso de queааа in case, in case that

en caso deа in case of

con motivo deаааа on the occasion of

a menos que unless

salvo queаа unless

a condición de queааааа on condition that

con la condición de que on condition that


dado (caso) queаа supposing that


Even, Still, Although, Even Though, Even If, If, Whether, However, Since, As Long As, Then


aunаа even, still

aunqueааааа although, even if, even though

y eso queаа even though

mas queаааа even if, however much

por más que no matter how, however much

aun cuandoа even if

como quiera queаа although, since

puesto queа although, since, inasmuch as, as long as

ya queааааа since, as long as, seeing that ...

desde queаа since

pues queааа since

por cuantoа inasmuch as

siquieraааа though, although, whether, or

siааа if, whether

siempre que whenever, provided that

si ya ...аа if only ...

como siаааа as if

y por si eso fuera poco ...а and as if that were not enough ...

comoа as, since, how

ya queааааа since, seeing that

emperoааааа yet, however, notwithstanding

sin embargo nevertheless, notwithstanding, however (in whatever way), in spite of, despite

no obstaneа nevertheless, notwithstanding, however (in whatever way), in spite of, despite

entoncesааа then

Anyway, This Way, (In) No way, Otherwise


de todos modosааа anyway, in any case, at any rate

en todo y por todoааааа in each and every way

de esa maneraаааа in that way

de ese modo in that way

de esta maneraааа in this way

de este modoааааа in this way

de otra maneraааа in another way

de otro modoааааа otherwise

de ningún modoааа no way, in no way, by no means

de ningúna manera no way, in no way, by no means

No hay remedioааа There is no way. It cannot be helped


Where, Nowhere, Everywhere


en ninguna parteа nowhere

en todas partesаа everywhere

por todas partesа everywhere

¿dónde?аааа where?

¿adónde?ааа where to? (to where?)


But, Rather


peroа but

masаа but

sinoа but, but rather

sino queааа but that, but rather that

no ya ... sinoааа not only ... but also

más bien queааааа rather than

en cambioаа on the other hand




en lugar de in place of, instead of

en vez deаа instead of


At Least/Most


a lo menosа at least

al menosааа at least

por lo menosааааа at least

a todoааааа at most


por el/lo contrario on the contrary

al contrarioааааа on the contrary


At First, In The First Place


al principioааааа at first

al prontoаа at first

ante todoаа first of all, in the first place

sobre todoа above all, especialy

lo primero que debo decirааа the first thing I must say


Finally, At Last


al caboаааа finally, at last

al finааааа at last, finally

por finаааа at last, finally


In the beginning/middle/end of


en medio de in the middle of

al cabo deа at the end of


As for, As Far As, For That Matter, In Fact, In Spite Of, Besides, Aside


en cuanto a as for, with regard to, in regard to

por mi parteааааа as for me, as far as I´m concerned

para esoааа for that matter


hasta until, up to, as far as

en cuanto a as far as


en efectoаа as a matter of fact, in fact


a pesar de (que)а in spite of (the fact that)

para serааа in spite of being (Para ser tan viejo, él es muy ágil/In spite of being so old, he is very agile)

así y todoа in spite of everything


además (de) in addition to, besides

aparte deаа aside from

Gladly, Willingly, To OneТs Liking, To Clap OneТs hands


con los brazos abiertos with open arms

con mucho gustoаа gladly, willingly, with much pleasure

de buena ganaаааа willingly

de mala ganaааааа unwillingly

Es de mi agradoаа It´s to my liking


dar unas palmadas to clap one´s hands


Usually, Commonly, Generally


por lo comúnааааа commonly, generally, usually

por lo generalааа generally, usually


Nearly, Almost, Hardly


Casiа almost

por pocoааа nearly, almost

apenas ... cuando hardly, scarcely ... when



Certainly, Of Course, Indeed, OK, Agreement, Disagreement


desde luego naturally, of course, immediately

por supuestoааааа of course

¡Pues ya!аа Of course! Certainly!

¡Ya lo creo!ааааа I should cetainly think so! Of course!

¡Ya se ve!а Yes, indeed!


está bienаа all right, okay


de acuerdoа in agreement, in accord

estar conforme conааааа to be in agreement with

estar de acuerdo conааа tp be in agreement with

estar de acuerdoа to agree


Creo que no I don´t think so, I think not

No es verdadааааа It isn´t so, It isn´t true

¿No es verdad?ааа Isn´t that so?

Creo que no I don´t think so, I think not

Creo que sí I think so

tener razón to be right (Ud. tiene razón/you´re right)

no tener razónааа to be wrong


Apparently, In My Opinion


como queааа it seems that, apparently

al parecerа apparently

por lo vistoааааа apparently


a mi parecerааааа in my opinion




sin queаааа without

así ... comoааааа both ... and

tanto ... comoааа as much ... as

ya ... yaаа now ... now


To Welcome, To Say Hello, To Shake Hands, To Embrace/Hug


dar beinvenidaааа to welcome

dar la mano a alguienаа to shake hands with someone

darse la manoаааа to shake hands with each other

dar los buenos días a alguien to say good morning / hello to someone

dar recuerdos aаа to give one´s regards (best wishes) to

dar un abrazoаааа to embrace/(give)hug


Not At All, YouТre Welcome, DonТt Mention It, It DoesnТt Matter


de nadaаааа you´re welcome, not at all

no hay de quéаааа you´re welcome, don´t mention it

No hay de queаааа You´re welcome, not at all

No importaа It doesn´t matter


Asking Permission, Asking To Do Something


por favorаа please

tener la bondad deааааа please; please be good enough to ... (tenga la bondad de cerrar la puerta/please close the door)


con permiso excuse me, with your permission


estar porаа to be in favor of


To Find Something/Someone, To Come Across/Upon Someone/Something, To Meet/Run Into Someone


dar con algoааааа to find something, to come upon something

dar con alguienаа to meet/run into/come across/find someone


To Take A Walk, To Go For A Drive/Ride


dar un paseoааааа to take a walk

dar un paseo a caballoа to go horseback riding

dar un paseo en automóvil (coche)а to go for a drive

dar un paseo en bicicletaааа to ride a bicyle

dar una vueltaааа to go for a short walk, to go for a stroll


Mood, Humor, Joke, Jokingly


de bromaааа jokingly

en bromaааа jokingly, in fun

hacer una bromaаа to play a joke

estar de buenasаа to be in a good mood

de mal humorааааа in bad humor, in bad mood

no estar para bromasааа not to be in the mood for jokes


Sorry, Pity


¡Qué lástima!аааа What a pity!

Es (una) lastima ...ааа It´s a pity; It´s too bad

Lo sientoаа I´m sorry


¡Qué le vaya bien!ааааа Good luck!

¡Qué lo pase Ud. bien!а Good luck! (I wish you a good outcome!)


Certainty, Uncertainty, Probability, Doubt


Debe de ser ...аа It is probably ...

acaso, quizá(s), tal vezаааа perhaps, maybe

Debe ser ...ааааа It ought to be ...

Es que ...а The fact is ...

sea lo que seaааа whatever it may be

sin dudaааа without a doubt, undoubtedly

de verasааа really, truly



Impersonal Expressions to be Followed by Subjunctive


Basta que ...аааа It is enough/sufficient that ...

Conviene que ...а It is fitting/proper that ...

Importa que ...аа It is important that ...

Más vale que ...а It is better that ...

Es aconsejable que ...а It is advisable that ...



Verbs & Expressions (Indicating Denial, Doubt, Lack of Belief, Uncertainty) to be followed By Subjunctive


dudar que ...аааа to doubt that ...

negar que ...аааа to deny that ...

no creer que ...а not to believe that ...

Es dudoso que ... It is doubtful that ...

Es incierto que ...аааа It is uncertain that ...

Hay duda que ...а There´s doubt that ...

No es cierto que ...ааа It is not certain that ...

No estar seguro que ... Not to be sure that ...



Verbs & Expressions (Indicating an Emotion) to be Followed by Subjunctive


estar contento que ...а to be happy/pleased that ...

estar feliz que ...аааа to be happy that ...

estar triste que ...ааа to be sad that ...

alegrarse (de) que ...а to be glad that ...

sentir que ...ааа to regret that ..., to feel sorry that ...





a bordoаааа on board

a caballoаа on horseback

a casaааааа home (use w/ a verb of motion; use a casa if u r goin 2 the house; use en casa if ur in the house)

a manoааааа by hand

a pie on foot

a través de across, through


with a la



a la derechaааааа to (on,at) the right

a la españolaаааа in the Spanish style

a la izquierdaааа to (on,at) the left


with al


al aire libreаааа outdoors, in the open air

echar al correoаа to mail, to post a letter


with cuanto, cuanta, cuantos, cuantas


¿Cuánto cuesta?аа How much is it? How much does it cost?

cuanto más ... tanto más ... the more ... the more ... (Cuanto más estudio, tanto más aprendo/The more I study, the more I learn)

¿Cuántos años tiene Ud.?аааа How old are you?

unos cuantos librosаааа a few books



with dar & darse


dar a to face (el comedor da al jardín/the dining room faces the garden)

dar contraа to hit against

dar de beber aааа to give something to drink to

dar de comer aааа to feed, to give something to eat to

dar enааааа to hit against, to strike against

dar vocesаа to shout

darse cuenta deаа to realize, to be aware of, to take into account


with de


billete de ida y vuelta round-trip ticket

de abajoааа down, below

de arribaаа upstairs

de arriba abajoаа from top to bottom

de baldeааа free, gratis

de memoriaа by heart (memorized)

de modaаааа in fashion

de pieааааа standing

de rodillas kneeling, on one´s knees

ir de comprasаааа to go shopping


with decir


decirle al oídoаа to whisper in one´s ears

Es decir... That is to say...

querer decirааааа to mean


with en


en bicicletaааааа by bicycle

en casaаааа at home

en cocheааа by car

en lo alto deаааа on top of, at the top of, up

en vanoаааа in vain

en voz alta in a loud? voice

en voz baja in a low? voice


with estar


estar de bogaаааа to be in fashion, to be fashionable

estar de pieааааа to be standing

estar de vueltaаа to be back


with haber


ha habido ...аааа there has/have been

había ...аа there was/were

habrá ...аа there will be

habría ...а there would be

hubo ...ааа there was/were


with hacer & hacerse


hacer daño a alguienааа to harm someone

hacerse dañoааааа to hurt oneself, to harm oneself

hacer el baúlаааа to pack one´s trunk

hacer la maletaаа to pack one´s suitcase

hacer el papel de to play the role of

hacer falta to be wanting, lacking, needing

hacer pedazosаааа to smash, to break, to tear in pieces

hacer un viajeааа to take a trip

hacer una preguntaааааа to ask a question

hacer una visitaа to pay a visit

hacerle faltaаааа to need (a Juan le hace falta un lápiz/John needs a pencil)

hacerseаааа to become (Elena se hizo dentista/Helen became a dentist)

hacerse tardeаааа to be getting late (vámonos; se hace tarde/let´s leave it´s getting late)


with lo


a lo largo deаааа along

a lo lejosа in the distance

lo buenoааа what is good, the good part (¡Lo bueno que es!/How good it is! ¡Lo bien que está escrito!/How well it is written!)

lo escritoа what is written

lo maloаааа what is bad, the bad part

lo mejorааа what is best, the best part

lo simpáticoааааа whatever is kind


with mismo


allá mismoа right here

aquí mismoа right here

eso mismoаа that very thing

hoy mismoаа this very day

así mismoаа the same (thing)

el mismo de siempreаааа the same old thing

lo mismoааа the same (thing)

lo mismo de siempreаааа the same old thing

lo mismo da it makes no difference, it ammounts to the same thing

lo mismo queааааа the same as, as well as

por lo mismoааааа for the same reason

sin novedad nothing new, same as usual

como siempreааааа as usual


with para


para conааа to, toward

para míаааа for my part

un vaso para agua a water glass

una taza para caféааааа a coffee cup


with por


al por mayorааааа wholesale

al por menorааааа retail (sales)

por aquíааа this way, around here

por aviónаа by air mail

por desgraciaаааа unfortunately

por Diosааа for God´s sake

por ejemplo for example

por escrito in writing

por teléfonoааааа by phone


with ser


ser aficionado aа to be a fan of (Soy aficionado al béisbol/I´m a baseball fan)

ser amable conааа to be kind to (mi profesora de español es amable conmigo/my Spanish teacher is kind to me)

ser todo oídosааа to be all ears (Te escucho;soy todo oídos/I´m listening to you;I´m all ears)


with sin


sin aliento out of breath

sin cuidado carelessly

sin ejemplo unparalleled, nothing like it

sin faltaаа without fail


with tener


¿Cuántos años tienes?аа How old are you?

¿Qué edad tienes? How old are you?


¿Qué tienes?ааааа What´s the matter (with you)?

No tengo nadaаааа There´s nothing wrong; there´s nothing the matter (with me)


tener algo que hacerааа to have something to do

tener calor to feel (to be) warm (persons)

tener cuidadoаааа to be careful

tener dolor de cabezaаа to have a headache

tener dolor de estómago to have a stomachache

tener éxito to be successful

tener fríoа to feel (to be) cold (persons)

tener hambreааааа to feel (to be) hungry

tener la culpa de algoа to take the blame for something, to be to blame for something (tengo la culpa de eso/I am to blame for that)

tener lugar to take place (el accidente tuvo lugar anoche/the accident took place last night)

tener miedo deааа to be afraid of

tener mucha sedаа to feel (to be) very thirsty (persons)

tener mucho calor to feel (to be) very warm (persons)

tener mucho fríoа to feel (to be) very cold (persons)

tener mucho que hacerаа to have a lot to do

tener poco que hacerааа to have little to do

tener sedаа to feel (to be) thirsty (persons)

tener sueño to feel (to be) sleepy

tener suerteааааа to be lucky


with todo, toda, todos, todas


a todo correrаааа at full speed

en un todoа in all its parts

ir a todo correrа to run by leaps and bounds

a saltosааа by leaps and bounds

por todoааа throughout

toda la familiaаа the whole family

todo el mundoаааа everybody

todos cuantosаааа all those that


with y


sano y salvoааааа safe and sound

un billete de ida y vueltaаа round-trip ticket

¿Y bien? And then? And so? So what?


with ya


¡Hazlo ya! ¡Hágalo ya! Do it now!

Ya lo veréа I´ll see to it





aаааа at, to

anteа before, in the presence of

bajoа under

conаа with

contraааааа against

desde after, from, since

enааа in, on

entre among, between

hacia toward

hasta until, up to, as far as

menos except

paraа for, in order to

porаа by, for

salvo except, save

sinаа without

trasа after, behind




cerca deааа near, close to

cerca deааа near

con rumbo a in the direction of

debajo deаа underneath

delante deа in front of

frente aааа in front of

frente deаа in front of

dentro deаа within, inside (of)

detrás deаа in back of, behind

en contra deааааа against

encima deаа on top of, upon

en frenre deааааа opposite

fuera deааа outside of

junto aаааа beside, next to

al lado deа next to, beside

lejos deааа far from

por valor deааааа worth





ahora now

hoyаа today

mañanaааааа tomorrow

ayerа yesterday

anteayerааа th day before yesterday

todavíaаааа still, yet

entoncesааа then

siempreаааа always

nunca never

jamás never, ever, not ever

casiа almost

fácilmenteа easily

felizmenteа happily

abajo below

arribaааааа above

tambiénаааа also, too

tampocoаааа also not, neither

aquíа here

allíа there

mucho much

muchísimoаа very much

pocoа little

un poco deа a little (of)

másаа more

menos less

bienа well

malаа badly

mejor better

peorа worse

con cuidado carefully

con dificultadааа with difficulty

sin cuidado carelessly

sin dificultadааа without difficulty

¿cómo?ааааа how?

¿cuándo?ааа when?

¿cuánto?,¿cuánta?,¿cuántos?,¿cuántas?ааа how much? how many?



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